Mobility With Attitude Report--Logo

Welcome to the MWA Report...

THE guide for gettin your crip ass into the cool places in Chicago!

I started using a chair pretty much full time in February 1996, and had been using a cane before then. I am not about to let it slow me or my social life down, but (as I am sure any of you reading this that are dealing with altered mobility know) getting around to most places REALLY SUCKS!
So I am here to help...cuz sometimes knowing ahead of time what kind of access you will be dealing with ahead of time makes it a little easier.
There will be 2 general ratings for each venue as well as a detailed report following. The rating system is: 1-5. 5 is the worst.

The ratings are:

accessibility iconHow accessible is it really?!

How problematic are the staff/other patrons?!

So, that outta the way. I'll get started ratin'.


3730 N Clark, 773/549.0203

The Vic

3145 N Shefield, 773/472.0366

Empty Bottle

1035 N. Western, 773/276.3600

Double Door

1572 N. Milwaukee, 773/489.3160


1814 W Chicago Ave., 773/384.4285


1315 W. North Ave. 395.2700

Park West

322 W. Armitage 929.5959

Qvimby's Qveer Store

1328 N. Damen 773/342.0910

Check back often for further reviews. I had originally intended to do this monthly, but it isn't happening, so I will update...errr...sporadically.
Input is well as submissions for places to review or reviews of them. I am very aware that I am only reviewing for mobility accessibility at present. I will attempt to start reviewing for other accessibility issues in the not too distant future.

Who am I? I am a queer cripdyke with MS. I am also a web designer, sound designer, graphic designer...check out my company:
Killer Banshee Productions

or drop email to the cripdyke reviewer.
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My thanks to Mark & everyone at Centerstage for publicizing these reviews.

All images (except for Centerstage Chicago logo) copyright Killer Banshee Productions 1996-7.
Ask permission before you use anything off this site.
Content copyright Killer Banshee Productions 1996-7.
Permission to copy only with this notice in full & notice to me that it is being copied.