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MWA Report
THE guide for gettin your crip ass into the cool places in Chicago!

Qvimby's Qveer Store is at 1328 N. Damen, 773/342.0910

Qvimby's is the coolest zine/alternative book shop in Chicago. IMHO. They also have these really cool boxes and art prints from freaky artists...

Rating Qvimby's isn't too hard.

How accessible is it?

No steps. Entry way is a little steep maybe, but not bad at all.

How problematic are the staff?!

Staff: Steven & Sherri are totally cool and jump to help you with anything you can't reach.

How problematic are the other patrons?!

Patrons: difficulty of patrons/staff icon I give em one, but it isn't malicious. People just get involved in their browsing, and don't notice anything going on around them. Just tap them or ask them to let you by.

The only accessibility issue that I found was not being able to reach things occasionally, but if there isn't someone browsing next to you that will grab it Steven or Sherri--the proprieters will get you anything you can't reach, no problem. The aisles are wide enough and everything.
Madeline, their daughter, is a little nervous of wheelchairs yet, but she is getting over her shyness really fast.

Qvimby's RULES. Shop there.

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Standard Dis-claimer: Input is well as submissions for places to review or reviews of them. I am very aware that I am only reviewing for mobility accessibility at present. I will attempt to start reviewing for other accessibility issues in the not too distant future.

Who am I? I am a queer cripdyke with MS. I am also a web designer, sound designer, graphic designer...check out my company:

Killer Banshee Productions

or drop email to the cripdyke reviewer

All images copyright Killer Banshee Productions 1996-7. Ask permission or give credit.
Content copyright Killer Banshee Productions 1996-7. Permission to copy with this notice in full.