PillowBot Pattern Correction
For patterns purchased prior to March 31, 2007
This is a correction for the bottom rows of the back & front of
the PillowBot.
Front of Body, starting after k8 rows (red) the pattern reads:
*k10, ssk, k8, k2tog, k10
k 1 row
rep from * 4x (24)
This is confusing because it doesn't account for the decreasing # of stitches
between the ssk & k2tog. Here is a re-write/clarification of the
above lines:
k10, ssk, k8, k2tog, k10 (30)
k 1 row
k10, ssk, k6, k2tog, k10 (28)
k1 row
k8, ssk, k8, k2tog, k8 (26)
k1 row
k8, ssk, k6, k2tog, k8 (24)
k1 row
Back of Body: Same situation on the back (but
slightly more so b/c I forgot the rep from * in the first place).
The pattern starting after k 42 rows reads:
k10, ssk, k24, k2tog, k10
k 1 row
rep 4x (40)
Here is a re-write/clarification of the above lines:
k10, ssk, k24, k2tog, k10 (46)
k 1 row
k10, ssk, k22, k2tog, k10 (44)
k1 row
k10, ssk, k20, k2tog, k10 (42)
k1 row
k10, ssk, k18, k2tog, k10 (40)
k1 row |