::: Killer Banshee News :::
Watch for continuing updates in the
coming weeks & if
you can't find something, feel free to email the
. :: Updated 04/27/12 ::
ACT-UP 25 years. Thought we would put the Unleashed Power piece on the front page in honor. If you didn't see the last 8 minutes of TRMS (The Rachel Maddow Show) today, go find it online.
* if you can't view the mp4 files click here
for flash alternate.
If you need a full resolution video file/clip for review
This was the World Premier for Unleashed
June 6, 2008 - Le Petit
Versailles Lower East Side New York
While the piece has evolved since this performance, this performance being that it was the world premier & that it was at Le Petit Versailles is one I'm rather attached to.
:: Updated 3/25/12 ::
killer banshee is installing Network Buddhaat SomArts for Nightlight: Multimedia Garden Party ... blankets SOMArts in site-specific luminous art installations, live music and performances, digital and cinematic projections and sound sculptures
on April 27, 2012 8pm-midnight
4/24 alert:: just found out that there is a $$$ thing. $10 adv/$12 at the door. It is likely to sell out.
4/27 alert:: it is sold out. they are letting in ppl at the door on a 1-in-out as others leave. |
:: Updated 3/10/12 ::
Don't forget to visit Fly & Killer Banshee Studios at the 17th Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair. We will be in our usual spot.
And the Anarchist Bookfair is in its usual spot - Golden Gate Park Hall of Flowers aka County Fair Building in SF...just in from Lincoln Ave. |
:: Updated 10/1/11 ::
:: Updated 07/22/11 ::
killer banshee's new Shoji Lamps coming online! |
If you missed the Renegade Craft Fair SF or if you were there, but you didn't buy the fantastic lamps there. You can now find them online!
We'll be honoring the coupon code from our RCF Flyer through August. |
killer banshee at Renegade Craft Fair SF :: July 9-10, 2011 |
killer banshee will be showing a new line of shoji lamps at Renegade Craft Fair SF
Mason, San Francisco on July 9-10, 2011 from 11-7 both Saturday & Sunday. We'll be doing a HUGE introductory sale, so don't miss it!
kbanshee.etsy.com |
killer banshee at ABC NoRio NYC :: May 12-June 9, 2011 |
killer banshee + Eliot K Daughtry & Kriss De Jong individually are showing at ABC NoRio in the LES NYC as part of the Cocktail Party show.
Opening reception: May 12, 2011.
Viewing hours Sun 1:00 - 3:00pm
Wed & Thrs 4:00 - 7:00pm
ABC NoRio 156 Rivington St. Lower East Side, NYC. |
killer banshee at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts! :: May 17-18, 2011 |
killer banshee will be installing their Network Buddha piece for the 5th annual TV of Tomorrow Show, May 17 - 18, 2011 at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. It is a brief show, so make sure to mark your calendars! You don't want to miss it. |
killer banshee & Fly at Anarchist Book Fair in SF :: April 9 & 10, 2011 |
killer banshee & Fly will be in their usual spot at the 16th Annual Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair at the SF County Fair Building (Hall of Flowers) , Golden Gate Park.
Saturday, April 9 10am-6pm
Sunday, April 10, 11am-5pm
Bring Me the Head of the Chocolate Bunny Day :: April 24, 2011 |
The 12th Annual Bring Me the Head of the Chocolate Bunny Day will be here before you know it. Get your Bunny Head offerings ready!
Check the deets here. |
:: Updated 08/20/2010::
killer banshee at SF Camerawork
The SF Camerawork show is opening September 9, 2010 with a reception
from 5-8pm that evening. See more here.
We will be unveiling the first installational version of Unleashed
:: Updated 07/03/2010::
killer banshee at SF Camerawork
We've been curated into a show this coming September at SF Camerawork.
More info coming soon. Save the date!
:: Updated 07/03/2010::
10th Annual T-10 Video Festival
21 Grand & Killer Banshee Studios announce the selected videos
for the 10th
Annual T-10 Video Festival make sure you have it on
your calendars to join us July 15 (Thursday) & 16 (Friday), 2010.
Doors 8pm, Show 8:30pm. You can read all about this years selections
on the T-10 site.
:: Updated 06/20/2010::
Renegade Craft Fair
Killer Banshee Studios is happy to announce we've been juried into
this years Renegade Crafe Fair in San Francisco. Join us on July
31 & August 1, 2010 at Fort Mason Center in SF.
see our preparations (coming soon) |  |
:: Updated 03/08/2010::
10th Annual T-10 Video Festival Call
for Entries
21 Grand & Killer Banshee Studios announce the 10th
Annual T-10 Video Festival call for entries. Get your submissions together & take a
look at the call for entries. Deadline June 4, 2010.
:: Updated 03/04/2010::
Anarchist Bookfair Saturday March
13 & Sunday March 14
Killer Banshee Studios & Fly will
be sharing their wares & ideas
with the world at the 15th
Annual Anarchist Bookfair in San Francisco. Come & visit
9th Ave at Lincoln Way in the Countyfair bldg in Golden
Gate Park.
March 13th 10am-6pm, & March 14th 11am-5pm. |
:: Updated 11/23/2009 ::
Friday December 4, 2009 - 8-9:00pm
Robots: In Our Image
['Temporary office' located at
21 Grand 416 25th St.]
a presentation by Eliot K Daughtry, Executive
a performance by killer banshee
Most of the world's robots are
industrial, but most of the ones we imagine look like humans.
Why do we think about one and use another? How can a robot
be a human and also be an artificial intelligence? Why are
we comfortable with some robots, but find others creepy? Why
are more robots male than female? This presentation will discuss
major areas of the Robot Taxonomy Project, an ongoing effort
to classify all types of robots and why humans create them.
The Holidaze are coming!!!
Whatever are you going to do for
all of the presents you need? Check out the Killer
Banshee Studios shop or our Etsy
:: Updated 10/15/2009 ::
Friday Nov 6, 2009 - 7-10:00pm
The Robot Taxonomy Project
Robot Identification Institute
['Temporary office' located at 21 Grand
416 25th St.]
Eliot K Daughtry, Executive Director
Continuing its mission to identify, classify, document and promote better understanding
of robot types and their relationship to human forms, the Robot Identification
Institute will be open to the public for the month of November. The temporary
office will be located at 21 Grand, an interdisciplinary art space located in
Oakland California. The office will take reports, provide alerts about unusual
robot activity, and expand the Robot Taxonomy.
The RII will debut new bas-relief
works as an upgrade to our space! These carved panels represent
different robots taken from the classes of the taxonomy.
A solo art exhibition of new work opening at 21
Show is open thru Dec 6.
:: Updated 9/22/2009 ::
Friday Sept 25th, 2009 - starting at 11.30pm
killer banshee is part of the All-Star
Projectionist Jam at the Oakland
Underground Film Festival
at the art deco movie theater at Alameda point naval base, Alameda (2700
Saratoga St, Alameda). This is an extension of our Illuminated Corridor
Friday Oct 2nd, 2009 - 'doors' 7.30, show 8pm
Excerpts from killer banshee's Mobility will be playing at Swarm's
filmnight 4.0. oakland ironworks parking lot (3rd street between clay and jefferson, Oakland) an
evening of artifacts from the bay area's live cinema milieu highlighting the
work of musicians who are making unique statements in the world of film. expect
is an extension of our Illuminated
Corridor project in collaboration with Swarm
Friday Nov 6, 2009 - 7-10pm
The Robot Taxonomy Project || Robot Identification
Eliot K Daughtry, Executive Director An advanced heads up - Eliot has
a solo show opening at 21 Grand on November 6, 2009. Artist reception/opening
is 7-10pm Nov 6. Show is open thru Dec 6.
:: Updated 9/16/2009 ::
killer banshee is involved in The
WEDLOCK Project, Part 1:
ENGAGEMENT show is just 10 days away. The opening
is on Friday, Sept 25th, 2009 from 6-8pm at Space 242 in Boston's South
End*. The world premier of the performance piece "Romeos" will
start promptly at 7:00 pm.
Please RSVP directly to
the gallery. We unfortunately won't be there in person (see next
newer post).
*SPACE 242 is located in Boston's South End
at: 242 E. Berkeley Street, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02118 (btw Albany
St and Harrison Ave -- Medieval Manor Building. Parking
in the Medieval Manor lot is a no no. So...well, don't. Really
::Updated 7/1/2009::
Check out Adrienne Skye Roberts writing on SF MOMA's blog of Across
Queer Time & our performance as a part of it.
::Updated 6/3/2009::
We are co-curating the 2009 T-10
Video Festival w/ 21 Grand.
The T-10 festival call for
entries is here.
EXTENDED Deadline for entries is June 10,
The T-10 Video Festival will be July 16 & 17,
We have quite a few shows coming up this Spring/Summer.
out the shows page for details.
6/7--7pm killer banshee provides
live video for NQAF2009 fund raiser San Francisco
is Burning a fabulous fashion benefit for QCC. SOMArts Theater
Estuary Art Attack
- an ext of the collaborating artists of Illuminated Corridor 2513
Blanding Ave, Alameda. A new collaboration w/ rhythmix
cultural works, big city orchestra, cinepimps, killer banshee, nux
vomica. Exterior cinema w/ interior sound on the corrugated facades
surrounding rhythmic cultural works.
6/17--8pm killer
banshee will perform Unleashed Power as part of
"Across Queer Time" at The Garage 975 Howard St. @ 6th St.,
SF as part of NQAF2009
Corridor "Loma Prieta @ 20" ]
Continue to check back as others
get confirmed.
The End of the Analog show w/ our performance of Wake for Analog
went great (ATA 5/23/09). Documentation
will be available here soon-ish.
Illuminated CCorridor "Subtidal Goals" also went really great though
it was FREEZING! Documentation will be available here really soon.
::Updated 7/21/2008::
Check out photo & video
documentation from our NYC shows.
New York Shows May-June 2008
killer banshee will be heading out on the road
for multiple New York shows. We're still debating doing shows in
other cities on our return as we're exhausted from 2 years of grad
school non stop ness.
California College of the Arts MFA Exhibition May
Eliot will be graduating with his MFA from
CCA in May! If you are in the Bay Area make sure to see the installation
he's doing as his final project. The opening is the 8th, exhibition
is open thru the 17th. It isn't too late to submit a LART for his LART
competition. You can see some about the installation on its
own site: uncannyvalley.net.
We'll be adding more pictures and info as they become available.
It is going to be an installational piece, front & center in the
Nave @ CCA and is a 12'x12' freestanding cube w/ much more inside...
Public Art Installation in Oakland
Killer Banshee Studios was comissioned to create 12 art pieces & various
additional architectural details for a new building at 853 W Grand
in Oakland (right next to the studio). Check it out in person if you
can. Otherwise we continue to add pictures
to the gallery.
Monsters & Robots
More & more knitted monster & robot patterns
are coming online. You can check out pictures of them & order patterns.
Don't forget that there are many goodies that
you can get from the Killer Banshee Studio creative hive.