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21 Grand and Killer Banshee Studios present:

The 9th Annual T-10 Video Festival
two nights celebrating short videos

Friday July 17, 2009
Doors 8.00pm
Screening 8.30pm
21 Grand
416 25th St. at Broadway

Friday Featured artist:
Bulk Foodveyor

Friday, July 17 (see bios)  

Rebecca Najdowski -- Trace

Trace is an experimental, stop-motion animation video. It focuses on the intermediary thresholds of humankind and the natural world, artifice and organic, the dark and the ridiculous, and method and chance.

Love Lafayette

Michael Goodier -- Love Lafayette

Love Lafayette is a lyrical documentary that contrasts images of suburban achievement with stories of the personally destructive effects of affluence. The film is told from the perspective of a woman who returns to her childhood home in Lafayette, California, a wealthy, conservative suburb thirty miles east of San Francisco. Surprised by the physical changes to the house in the ten years since her family lived there, she begins to recognize more inconsistencies. Using oleander, a pink and poisonous shrub, as a metaphor, she compares the town’s façade of perfection with her own recollections of teenage crime, misbehavior, and depression, as well as the unfortunate trajectories many of her high school classmates have followed since graduating. The film presents a 2005 murder, committed by a 16-year-old Lafayette resident, as epitomizing the discord between the town’s flawless exterior and its troubled interior.

Caught in a Labyrinth

Tricia Lawless Murray -- Caught in a Labyrinth

Experimental non-narrative video from embodied perspective with still shots and text thrown in at specific moments.


Skippy Bunny

Corrine Bot -- Skippy Bunny

Experimental short movie. In a white, futuristic tunnel a rhythmic mechanical sound becomes louder and louder. Slowly but surely it becomes clear what causes this sound...

The Leather Daddy & The Unicorn

Samara Halperin -- The Leather Daddy & The Unicorn

When leather meets horn, magic is reborn.

Robot Love

Hilary Harp & Suzie Silver -- Robot Love

Inspired in part by the cover of "Megatron Man", Patrick Cowley's archetypal 80's disco album, Robot Love is a celebration of the playful, synthetic, party-driven, disposable culture of disco. The video is playful and opulent, presenting a night at the disco as a mind-explanding trip to an alternate universe.

Conspirabee Theory

Tony Coleman & Sean Levon Nash -- Conspirabee Theory

Conspirabee Theory is a surreal animated short with human characters going through the life cycle of bees as interpreted by dream sequences & comments on the manmade/natural threatsw to survival for both bees & human beings. The story was inspired by recent reports of widespread beehive collapse & the larger ramifications of this threat as it correlates to the consequences of over-industrialization in a consumer centric society. The story begins with the main character going insane & having hallucinations where he encounter various challenges to his survival from the environment & the creatures that exist within it. He adapts intuitively with new found abilities & ways of interacting with his environment to fight extinction.

Forever Yours
Katie Krohn -- Forever Yours

Eve Edelson-- Insomnia

A vampire tries to get a good day's sleep.

The Word, Weird

Antero Alli -- The Word, Weird

A video lecture examining the quantum nature of linguistics and reframing perceptions.

Levitate the Pentagon

Magnetic Stripper --Levitate the Pentagon

As humans and machines move towards the singularity it will be important to remember the facts that transpired to create it. This may occasionally feel like one is eating glass, but what is actually happening is self awareness.

Traffic (performance)

Ian Winters w/ Mary Armentrout -- Traffic (or thoughts while eating ritz crackers)
live video based performance
Video: Ian Winters, Performance/choreography: Mary Armentrout

Film created specifically for performance collaboration with Mary Armentrout, traffic is a night's worth of traffic on I-80 while a performer ponders life & eats crackers.

The Purpose Driven Life
The New Day Trailer
The Talk of Creatures
Hootenanny Manifestation


Feature Artist: Bulk Foodveyor
The Talk of Creatures, Hootenanny Manifestation, New Day Trailer, The Purpose Driven Life

Bulk Foodveyor's The Purpose Driven Life was created in residence at the San Francisco City Dump. Spontaneous costumes, miniatures, props and sets were formed from found materials. Imagined scenarios and improvising performers took it the further step into narrative. The Purpose Driven Life is a ridiculous Gulliver's Travel chronicling the swinish populace of an alternate universe. It unfolds in small episodes, imparted by a mad historian from the end of time.

The New Day Trailer is from an ongoing narrative video experiment. It is about an employee who attempts to obtain a health benefits package from his job in order to have an internal organ removed. 

The Talk of Creatures is a ‘Minute Movie’ which  was produced for The Commercial DVD, a release by notorious San Francisco band The Residents. The Commercial DVD is distributed worldwide by Mute Records.


The Hootenanny Manifestation is a piece by Lord Knows Compost, which is an ongoing collaboration between Philip R. Bonner and video artist Benton Bainbridge. Starting as a library of unusual video clips commissioned by OSC Software, The Hootenanny Manifestation found later life as a web-based project at This excerpts reel showcases the 'Characters' sections by Bulk Foodveyor.



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