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21 Grand and Killer Banshee Studios present:

The 9th Annual T-10 Video Festival
two nights celebrating short videos

Thursday July 16, 2009
Doors 8.00pm
Screening 8.30pm
21 Grand
416 25th St. at Broadway

Thursday Featured artist:
David Cox

Thursday, July 16 (see bios)  
 A Book of Poems on Beauty, ch. 3

Anne Lesley Selcer -- Ch 3 from A Book of Poems on Beauty

This video is a container for sound. It is based on the principles and methods of found sound recording, but concerned with complicating that potential passivity and finding a non-projective way to make images. The sound or the image or video can be the dominant, primary text. A Book of Poems of Beauty can be thought of like Stephane Mallarmé's Le Livre, a book with unbound pages.

Cantata in C Major

Ronnie Cramer -- Cantata in C Major

Six-hundred-five film clips are assembled and used to create a piece of electronic music. As the visual component appears in the center of the screen, the original analog audio is sent to the left channel while it is simultaneously converted into digital music data and sent to the right channel. the digital data is also transposed into traditional musicl notation and displayed on the screen as it is converted. The film includes an animated 'chalkboard' introduction that explians the entire process.


Desciple -- Freethrow

A basketball player is judged for using the ultimate bad word in front of a priest. "A Game in Biblical Proportions"

Great Kings

Anna Whitehead -- Great Kings
dir. Anna Whitehead, d.p. Hanh Nguyen 2009

A lone wolf gets a haircut in one of San Francisco's last black owned barbershops in this short character study of Bay Area space-time.

Breaking Glass: My David Bowie Movie

Michael Trigilio -- Breaking Glass: My David Bowie Movie

This short video examines the surfaces of fear & desire, using as its subject my fantasy encounter with David Bowie. Alternating between confession & fantasy, I employ music, animation, & personal narrative to interweave notions of queer affection, pop fandom, & authentic self-doubt. I felt strongly that the musical gestures (glam-rock, death-metal, etc.) complement the images and stories of frivolity, worry, & daydreaming. Breaking Glass is an experiment in autobiographical counterpoint & wish-making.  


SarahMatik -- Anitya
A Dance for camera piece

The concept is based on the yogic & buddhist philosophy of impermanence (anitya). It is the idea that everything is constantly moving, shifting & changing & that nothing is permanent. To not resist what is, to be able to find balance when things are constantly moving, to not grow attachment to things that will change or end is to live a life free from stress & suffering.


Rebekah May -- Ablation

I was inspired to make Ablation after undergoing a series of procedures on my back. Each drop occurs in relation to the timing and placement of each procedure.  The piece is meant to be hypnotizing and jarring at the same time. 


Raymond Yeh -- Hsauter

I've always felt that there is no freedom to the life of a flower.  natural beauty does not allow life to be lived, as it is picked, displayed, and dies of from lack of nutrients.  Hsauter is a time in life that is seldom seen.  It is not controlled by "cause and effect".  It is old, fragile, yet free.  Free to fall to the ground and disintegrate.

The Oasis Bloom

Alfred Hernandez & Amy Green -- The Oasis Bloom

The Oasis Bloom: A photographer who does not take medication takes a little too much, thanks to his roomate who is up to no good. Shot in San Francisco and in the Lake Merritt, Oakland area.


Stephanie Sherriff -- Amalgam (live video performance)

Amalgam is an audio-visual performance using Max MSP/Jitter and light. Audio & video recordings are bent & stretched in real-time according to physical gestures performed by the artist. Surface changes in the amount of light on a photocell both control and represent a direct relationship to changes made in aural and visual communications. the nature of this work allows for a great deal of flexibility & is constantly evolving.











Featured Artist: David Cox -- Puppenhead, Otherzone, Dr Yes Trailer

Berlin, 1934: JOHN FLAUS plays Goethe, the puppeteer whose mechanical clockwork knife-throwing act is under surviellence by a slimy SS agent (Heinze Boek). The showdown comes at a New York presentation of the show.
The film went on to appear at fourteen international film festivals and was screened at the opening of the 1991 New York Film Festival. Festivals include - New York, London, Annecy, Turin, Hong Kong, Seattle, Oberhausen. Puppenhead was picked up by Canal+ in Spain.
Puppenhead also won the ATOM award for innovation, and was nominated for three Australian Film Institute Awards - best film in non-feature category, best sound in non-feature category and best editing in non-feature category.

Written and Directed by David Cox, Animation by David Cox, Director of Photography - Walter Repich, Production Manager - Sarah Zadeh (formerly Sarah Johnson), Music by Ian Eccles-Smith, Editor and Sound Design - Graeme Jackson, Produced by David Atkinson, Executive Producer John Bird. Made with the Assistance of the Australian Film Commission (post production grant).

Otherzone is a 15 minute science fiction film set in a near future Melbourne. The Machines All Nations Corporation (MAN) dominates global communication with its massive satellite network, which girdles the earth like a cage. The network is powerful enough to enable contact even with other dimensions. Kareen Hedding has been murdered by MAN security assassins for having passed on data on how to neutralise the network to her collaborators in the Information Liberation Frontier based on the moon. She has arranged for her daughter Zheng to retrieve the Ameth fabric from a beach. Ameth is a top secret artificial intelligence device, which uses the network to access the Otherzone - a whole new catagory of communications which has smashed the barriers between the dead and the living. Whomever has the Ameth scarf holds the key to global freedom, or global tyranny. Zheng must deliver the scarf to her mother's collaborators on the moon, but the evil Nam Melogue and his henchmen Cutts and Chickensticks are on her trail.

Director: David Cox, Producer: Sarah Zadeh, Production Company: Serpentine Films. Written and Directed by David Cox, Produced by Sarah Zadeh, Director of Photography , Paul Romney Cox. Starring Marie Hoy as Zheng, Stelarc as Nam Melogue, Jaqueline Mitelman as Kareen, Max Fairchild as Cutts, Bruce Naylor as Chickensticks. Animation by Graeme Jackson, Marco Bresciani, Andrea Bresciani, and David Cox. Music by Ollie Olson. Sound Design and Dolby Surround Spatialisation by Philip Brophy. Edited by Jane Usher and Steve Doyle. Script edited by Adrian Martin.

Dr Yes (played by David Cox) confronts the developers about the plans for San Francisco and the post globalised McWorld. He finds out how today's totally illegal energy wars work hand-in-glove with the now world-wide fully-wired and completely entertainment driven society of blank spectacularised alienation.
Dr Yes is made partly from, and will then enter back into the creative commons domain of fully shared ideas and culture. Long live CC!

This trailer is one of a series which will be uploaded to
Producer: David Cox, Mind Shadow Media



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